Monsieur Dupond doesn't take calls

I'm 56 years old. I was born in May 68.
I used to think my parents were killjoys...
And now I realize that I'm a killjoy too. Now it's my turn.
It's probably generational...
I was born at a time when there was no Internet and no social networks. A time when we talked,
where we met even when a prospect didn't necessarily have a problem...
But today, I have the feeling that it's complicated to pick up the phone, even though
But today, I feel it's complicated to pick up the phone, even though it's the B.A-BA of exchanging ideas and visiting customers and prospects.
I find it sad that everything is done in teams, by email...
That's not what a business relationship is about, at least not for me.
But it's undoubtedly generational, young people seem to be more at ease with videoconferencing, they're more reluctant to set up physical meetings...
And my daughter prefers to send a voice message rather than an SMS... It's a reflex.
For my part, my reflex is to meet people face-to-face, to find out about their jobs; and to do that, I have to understand their environment, visit their workshops, the workstations, the factories, understand what they make, how, whether everything is ultra-automated or not, see how it fits in with what we offer, find out if what we do can meet their needs or if it's outside our field of action...
We need to get together even if we have no immediate plans. We suffered a lot from being confined during the pandemic, isolated from each other...
And now we have the feeling that we have to tackle a cliff face to make initial contact...
I can't imagine my job without this conviviality, and I won't be able to perform if Monsieur Dupond continues not to want to answer the phone...
Let's talk, let's meet, it's interesting,
beyond our ages, our modes of communication, it's interesting!
What do you think?
Marc Agnier
South-West Area Responsible
BIBUS France